Hello! I am Naman (he/him), a Computer Science PhD student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. My research combines interdisciplinary perspectives through collaborations with psychology, gender & women studies, and nursing: Preventing Interpersonal Violence and Overcoming Trauma (PIVOT) Lab and Sexual Violence Research Initative (SVRI), and human-computer interaction (HCI) and computer security & privacy (S&P): MadS&P. With advise from Prof. Rahul Chatterjee, I am committed to advancing the safety and well-being of the marginalized populations who face gender-based violence (GBV) by amplifying their silenced voices. Rooted in cultural sensitivity, my work empowers survivors by fostering safety, healing, and resilience. Further, I coordinate Madison Tech Clinic and lead the outreach program with our rural and indigenous partner organizations in Wisconsin, USA.
Prior to PhD, I was a Research Fellow at Microsoft Research, advised by Kapil Vaswani at Confidential Computing and Technology for Empowerment group. I worked on a formally verified boot protocol, a hardware-backed Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) and an offline streaming platform for low-income and people with a reduced tech literacy in rural India.
I graduated from IIIT-Delhi with a Bachelors in Computer Science where I was advised by Prof. Vinayak Naik and Prof. Sachit Butail.
- Feb’25
- Our work on digital evidence for tech abuse was conditionally accepted in CSCW ‘25! 🎉
- Guest lecture for PSYCH311: Sexual Violence Research and Advocacy.
- Jan’25
- Started Decolonial Collective at UW-Madison. The collective is a reading group and sharing space for scholars interested in decolonial thought.
- Dec’24
- Nov’24
- Aug’24
- Excited to jhoin the program committee as an Associate Chair for CSCW’25! 🎊
- Organized a focus group on Technology-facilitated Colonial Violence at USENIX Security’24.
- Awarded student grant to present at SOUPS’24 and USENIX Security’24! 🎊
- May’24
- Paper accepted at USENIX’24! 🎊
- Presented poster at CHI’24.
- Passed PhD Qualifying exam! 🎊
- Apr’24
- Feb’24
- Paper accepted at CHI’24 (Late Breaking Work)! 🎊
- Paper accepted at Privacy Law Scholars Conference’24 workshop! 🎊
- Apr’23:
- Runners-up talk at UW-Madison CS Research Symposium’23. 🎊
- Mar’23:
- Awarded a student grant to attend NDSS’23. Organized Queer in Security *and Privacy* discussion with Hieu Le.
- Dec’22:
- Paper accepted in NDSS’23 (Workshop on Usable Security)! 🎊
* denotes equal contribution
Sophie Stephenson, Naman Gupta, Akhil Polamarasetty, Kyle Huang, David Youssef, Kayleigh Cowan, and Rahul Chatterjee
Conditionally accepted in Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW) 2025
Naman Gupta, Kate Walsh, Sanchari Das, Rahul Chatterjee
USENIX Security 2024
Naman Gupta, Sanchari Das, Kate Walsh, Rahul Chatterjee
ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Late Breaking Work) 2024
Rose Ceccio*, Naman Gupta*, Majed Almansoori*, Rahul Chatterjee
Workshop on Usable Security and Privacy (USEC) at Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) 2023
Zhe Tao, Aseem Rastogi, Naman Gupta, Kapil Vaswani, Aditya V. Thakur
USENIX Security 2021
Naman Gupta*, Anmol Singh*, Sachit Butail
IEEE Virtual Humans and Crowds for Immersive Environments (VHCIE) 2017
Naman Gupta*, Srishti Sengupta*, Vinayak Naik
International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS) 2017
Number of papers reviewed in (X).
- Associate Chair (Program Committee) – CSCW’25 (8).
- Reviewer – EuroUSEC’24 (1), CHI LBW’24 (1), CSCW’24 (1) 🏅, Journal of Violence Against Women (VAW)(2024) (1).
- Artifact Evaluation – NDSS’25 (1) 🏅.
- Poster Committee – IEEE S\&P’24 (4) 🏅, SOUPS’24 (1) 🏅.
- Organizer – Queer in Security & Privacy event at NDSS’23.
🏅 Special recognition for an outstanding review.
- Teaching Assistant for CS639: Capstone Projects (UW-Madison).
- Teaching Assistant for CS540: Artificial Intelligence (UW-Madison).
- Teaching Assistant for CS546:Mobile Computing (IIIT-Delhi & NPTEL).
- Instructor for Data Structures & Algorithms and Systems Programming (IIIT-Delhi).
- Co-founder for Project Mentorship Program for 200+ freshman students.
- Administrator, Byld, a programming club at IIIT-Delhi.
- Mentor, Rails Girls Summer of Code 2017.
- Organizing Team, 1st Blockhain Summit in India
- Judge, Google’s Code to Learn Contest 2016